Thursday, March 26, 2020

Happy Friday!!

Looks like Lucy wants to be your teacher today!

Sorry Lucy, that's my job!

Check this out!  Gunner got some new rollerblades!  He's been practicing in the school parking lot.  Mr. B will be so proud!

Looks like Lucca is enjoying his math!  Check out that smile!

Here's today's morning meeting...

Before you listen to today's story, please get your eraser board and pen ready.  Remember, don't take the cap off your pen until it's time!

Have a great weekend, friends!  I will making even MORE videos next week so that we can keep learning together.  
Remember, everything is going to be ok!


  1. Thank you for posting these great videos! Peyton loves seeing you every morning! We will miss you so much! Thank you for everything you do for the kids, but also what you have done for the parents!

  2. Hang in there, parents!! This is tough stuff!!

  3. Thanks for the post today, it's a bright spot every morning and helps us kick off our day :-)
    Enjoy the sunshine tomorrow!
    Emma and Family
