Sunday, April 5, 2020

Magic Monday!

Here is today's Morning Meeting...

Your writing folder is coming home this week. 
Here's what you will find in it...

Let's do some phonics together today.  
Please have your eraser board and pen ready!

Here's a little about the new math game you will play today. 
It's a fun one!


Here is the song I mentioned during morning meeting. 
You are SO many wonderful things!

I got an update from our good friend Colin.  He has been busy learning how to play an electric keyboard, hiking Mt. Philo and building a megalodon out of cardboard and tape!  So cool!

A megalodon was a VERY big shark that lived long ago.  They are extinct now.  If you would like to learn more about Megalodons, you can watch this video.,,  

Phew!  I gave you a lot to look at and think about today.  
You are doing a good job. 
 Be sure to hug the people at home who are helping you. 
And always be kind!! 

Remember, it's going to be ok!

1 comment:

  1. Heaton really liked Colin's megalodon shark he made, and enjoyed the video to learn more about them! His favorite shark is a hammerhead shark!
