Friday, November 2, 2018

Cows, Bats, and Dancing...Oh My!!

It has been quite a week in room 3!  We had a trip to the farm, made smoothies with our Farm-to-School teacher Miss Meg, started our dance residency, oh...and don't forget HALLOWEEN!  Phew!  Mrs. Brown is tired!  It was a lot of fun and the kids did a great job.  There is learning happening everywhere.  Mark your calendars for our November 15 evening dance performance at the high school.  We will practically be professionals by then!

And now a word from the kids....
Editor's Note:  The following comments are DIRECTLY from the children.  Keep reading, you'll see what I mean! 😉

We went to the Bread & Butter Farm.  We met Farmer Cory.  She showed us around the farm.  

This is us seeing the chickens.  We got to pet the chickens.  Some were in the chicken coop and some were out of the chicken coop. 

We saw cows and bulls.  They were behind an electric fence. Cows are girls and bulls are boys.  Some of the bulls were getting a piggyback ride from the cows. We were surprised!  Farmer Brandon called the cows and bulls to move them to a new place where there was fresh grass.  All the cows went running.  

We ripped apart some garlic.  We helped Farmer Cory get it ready to plant.  Garlic gets planted in the fall.  

We went inside the greenhouse.  That's a place where plants can keep growing when it gets cold.  We noticed that it got VERY warm in there when the sun was shining.  We saw some kale growing in the greenhouse.  

When we got back to school, we wrote about the things we saw at the farm.  We did such a good job that Mrs. Brown gave us special folders to keep our writing in.  


We made these bat hats during our party.  It was fun.  We had snacks and played bingo.  Everyone loved it.