Friday, March 20, 2020

Kindergarten at Home!

Wow!  This was unexpected.  We will be doing kindergarten together while you are at home.  Hopefully, we can stop these germs from spreading so that things can go back to normal soon.  For now, I will make some videos with things we can do together.   I would also LOVE to see what you're up to.  If you want to send me some photos or videos of the things you've been doing, I can put them on this blog to share with your friends.   Take good care of yourself!  I miss you!

It would be great if you and the grown-ups at your house could leave a comment below.  That way I will know who has visited the blog!

Click the link below for today's video message:  



  1. Hi Mrs. Brown,

    You're a great teacher!


    1. Thank you, Gunner!! It was fun seeing you at Price Chopper today!

  2. Hi Mrs. Brown,
    Hayley wants to know how the pizza was?? Hahah. We were laughing! You're haircut looks amazing.
    ❤ Hayley

  3. Hi Hayley,
    I actually didn't have any of the pizza. I was so busy today that I never ate lunch! I hope you had a good day. Keep checking back here for more videos. I've got some surprises in store for you!
    Love, Mrs. Brown

  4. Hi Mrs. Brown. Guess what? Briar and I had a play date today on our mommy's phones. It was as much fun as a real play date! I miss you.


