Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Welcome, April!

Let's start the day outside.  Take a look at what I'm doing...

Here is today's Morning Meeting. 
Please have your eraser board and pen ready!

                                       Mackie and Rania made their rainbows!
Is yours hanging in the window? 

Hayley really enjoys watching Brainpop videos with her brother.


Let's Count and Compare!

Thanks for visiting friends.
I miss you SO MUCH!!

Remember, everything is going to be ok!

Monday, March 30, 2020

It's a Terrific Tuesday!

Wow! We had some busy friends yesterday.  Lucca went for a bike ride for his PE yesterday.  Look what else he did...

(That really made me laugh!)

Peyton had fun doing her rainbow project. 
Have you made your rainbow yet?

Here is today's Morning Meeting...


Below is the link to BookFlix.  Here you can find books sorted into a number of categoies.  
There are pairs of books, fiction and non-fiction, related to a number of different themes.  
Kids can choose to read the book or have it read to them.  

UserID:  chamberlines
Password:  bookflix

Need a Mindful Moment? 

Here's a little video and game about community helpers...


Thanks for all of your hard work, friends!
I am proud of you!

Remember, everything is going to be ok! 

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Monday, Monday....

Hello Friends!  

I hope you had a fun weekend.  I went to Chamberlin School on Saturday to do some work and guess who I saw?  Gunner!  He was riding his bike in the parking lot WITH NO TRAINING WHEELS!
I was so proud of him!   Have you been riding your bike lately? 

Here is today's Morning Meeting...

This is a great story for a rainy day...

Let's practice our Super Powers!

A Little Monday Math!!

That's it for today, friends!  Do your best on all of your work.  Be sure to be kind to all of he people in your house. I will be back here tomorrow with more fun things for us to do. Don't forget to send me some pictures of all the great things you're doing.  

                  Remember, everything is going to be ok! 


Thursday, March 26, 2020

Happy Friday!!

Looks like Lucy wants to be your teacher today!

Sorry Lucy, that's my job!

Check this out!  Gunner got some new rollerblades!  He's been practicing in the school parking lot.  Mr. B will be so proud!

Looks like Lucca is enjoying his math!  Check out that smile!

Here's today's morning meeting...

Before you listen to today's story, please get your eraser board and pen ready.  Remember, don't take the cap off your pen until it's time!

Have a great weekend, friends!  I will making even MORE videos next week so that we can keep learning together.  
Remember, everything is going to be ok!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Good morning, Friends!  I hope you are having a good week.  I was happy to see the sunshine!  I wonder if Briar's snowman has melted already!!  Let's see what our friends are up to...

Heaton colored his mandala.  Look at what a great job he did! I am so impressed, aren't you? 

Remember to send me pictures to share with your friends!


Today's story is A Pair of Socks by Stuart J. Murphy

Happy Wednesday!

I have been so happy to hear from some of you!  Let's take a look to see what some of our friends are up to...

Hayley used these three kitties to solve the problem of the day.  She figured out that, altogether, they had 6 eyes, 6 ears, and 12 legs.  Great thinking, Hayley!

Peyton has been a busy bee at her house.  Here is she is working on some handwriting.  A special note for parents: The sheet Peyton is using here provides the language for you to use as your kindergartener is working on letter formation.  During handwriting practice, it is very helpful to use this language to prompt the correct formation.  When your kindergartener is doing writing (about a particular topic) it is helpful to remind them about letter formation but not be too picky about it.  During writing, we are more concerned with their great IDEAS!!

Briar took advantage of spring snow that we got!  Look at the snowman she built!  Briar and her mom have also been collecting pine cones.  They found out which kind of tree each different pine cone came from, used tally marks to keep track of how many of each they had, and drew pictures of each different type!  That's some great learning!

Get your tool box and your eraser board ready before watching today's video.

Today's Story

Here is a link to a meditation from "Yoga 4 Schools."  It might be nice for kids (or parents) who need a little break!!  

As always, please comment below so I will know you've come to visit the blog today.  And don't forget to send me your pictures so we can share what you've been up to.  

 I miss you my Smartie McSmartersons!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Hello Again!!

I hope you are all doing well.  I would love to hear from you.  If you'd like to send me a picture or a message, ask a grown up to help you send an email.  It would be fun to post some more pictures of the things you're doing at home.  I miss seeing your smiling faces.  


March comes in like a LION and goes out like a LAMB! 

Here's a book about SHEEP....

I miss you!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Good Morning Friends!

Good Morning!  I hope you all had a good weekend.  It's going to be a good idea to check our blog at the very beginning of the day.  I am planning to start my mornings by making a video for you.  There will also be other things that I'd like to share for the day.  

Look at what our friend Emma has been up to!  She painted the solar system.  What planets can you name?  Use your fantastic kindergarten spelling to make a list.  You can even take a picture of your writing and send it to me!  I would love to see it.  

Here is the video message for today... 

Look what I found!  
This very nice lady is reading my VERY favorite book!


Be sure to comment below so I'll know you came to visit!
See you here tomorrow!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Kindergarten at Home!

Wow!  This was unexpected.  We will be doing kindergarten together while you are at home.  Hopefully, we can stop these germs from spreading so that things can go back to normal soon.  For now, I will make some videos with things we can do together.   I would also LOVE to see what you're up to.  If you want to send me some photos or videos of the things you've been doing, I can put them on this blog to share with your friends.   Take good care of yourself!  I miss you!

It would be great if you and the grown-ups at your house could leave a comment below.  That way I will know who has visited the blog!

Click the link below for today's video message:  
